Of interest...

Do you know of a boot or shoe related event that might be of interest? Hear Ye, Hear Ye...
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Re: Of interest...

#26 Post by tmattimore »

the civil war reenacting community has been suffering this for over a month. It is not some one in this group. it may have picked up names from some one else who was e-mailed. I have been informed that its name is the klez worm. Under no circumstances open any thing you have not asked for and anything that has no message. It will get at least one or two adresses even with most anti virus software and it will keep comming to your computer for about 3 weeks and then fade away. I have had on my web site 9 to 10 of these a day at the peak. I still get two or three a week.
Tom Mattimore
Tex Robin

Re: Of interest...

#27 Post by Tex Robin »

I am no computer wizard. In fact I understand very little of how it even works. But here is my experience with the worm viruses.
Someone told me if I would add some phoney addresses to the top of my address book that these viruses would stop there and go n further. Example an address like !001,!002,,!003 and so on. I have added about 5 of these. When I get a virus it always stops on the !001 it seems. When I get the virus my Norton immediately tells me and I quarantine it . Then I go to quarantine and delete it. The virus is gone and it has only attached itself to a temporary file. This has worked for some time now. Can anyone tell me why this works or is it just a fluke? After I delete the virus I always run Norton virus scan and it is always clean. I would not run a computer without some kind of virus protection....TR
Tex Robin

Re: Of interest...

#28 Post by Tex Robin »



Someone or some worm virus sent two messages to Lee Miller, labeled "QUESTIONAIRE". One was supposedly from me and the other was supposedly from Gary Cunningham. They did contain a virus so if any of you get an e-mail that is similar, you are warned...TR

Re: Of interest...

#29 Post by bultsad »

Philippine Shoemakers Aim for Record
Associated Press Writer

October 21, 2002, 10:33 AM EDT

MANILA, Philippines -- Filipino shoemakers laced up what they hoped Monday would be declared the world's biggest pair of shoes.

The 18-foot-long and 7-foot-wide pair of men's shoes -- which fit 30 people inside -- was unveiled by Lourdes Fernando, mayor of Marikina, known as the nation's "shoe capital," in suburban Manila.

Two representatives from the Guinness Book of World Records were supposed to witness the event, but they canceled their trip because of a series of bombings in the country this month, Ryan Salvador of the city information office said.

The city government, which aims to uplift the country's sagging shoe industry by bagging the world record, will instead send all records including videos and newspaper clippings to Guinness' London office, Salvador added.

The shoes were made in 77 days at a cost of about $13,135.
Copyright © 2002, The Associated Press
Michael Anthony

Re: Of interest...

#30 Post by Michael Anthony »


Perhaps after veiwing this link, we should call you the "Wizard of Colloquy."

You are an author (with quite the mustache) and the man behind the "the wonderful world of cordwainers" computer program.

To read some of your postings, one might be fearful from the power and might of your words, only to find after meeting you in person, that you are a mild mannered and soft spoken gentleman.

The attached link will bring up a photo of another author (with a similiar mustache) who wrote a very famous story. His characters had to confront a man, who from behind the vail, struck fear into their hearts, but when revealed, turned out to be a fine gentleman with another large mustache.

This authers name is L. Frank Baum, and his story is the "Wizard of OZ."

When I saw this picture, I imagined him with your hat and glasses on. The likeness was so unbelievable, that I had to post it.

Maybe Tex isn't the only one with distant relatives...

L. Frank Baum


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Re: Of interest...

#31 Post by dw »


Gee, I don't know what to say...it's like hearing your own voice on a tape recording--it never sounds like you think you sound. Do I really look like Baum? I didn't have glasses when I was his age. Maybe so, maybe so... I don't know much about him, though.

I appreciate the compliment and applaud your perspicacious analysis of my character. Image But in one respect you have it wrong...I am, fundamentally, a gentle man--there's not a mean bone in my body--but I've never been known for being soft-spoken. I wish it were otherwise...my lungs are just too big, I guess.

Anyyway, it's nice to be appreciated...although I have this sneaking suspicion that you're just setting me up for the whupping the Red Wings (and everyone else ) are gonna deliver to Colorado this year. [sigh]

Tight Stitches

Re: Of interest...

#32 Post by lim »

To all:
I'm sorry to announce that Carl Lichte's wife Jeanne, passed away Monday, December 2. The service is tomorrow at the Church of the Incarnation in Dallas, Texas. He does not want any flowers sent, but if you would like to send a card, his address is 4340 Fairfax Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75205.

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Re: Of interest...

#33 Post by admin »


Well, it's been a big project...maybe 40+ hours solid...but the HCC webpage now has the full Texas FSA photo essay, done in 1939 by photographer Lee Russell, available for your enjoyment.

The URL is http://www.thehcc.org and click on Texas Photos in the left frame. This is a two page essay, mostly photos, and if you are on dial up it may take a few moments to download. But once it does, clicking on any thumbnail will bring up a larger version.

I have re-captioned most of the photos from the perspective of a working bootmaker and invite *constructive* comments in that regard.

This is well worth a look...and closer study often reveals ideas and techniques that are not explicit in the photo. So, enjoy...this is HCC Guild dues at work. Image

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Re: Of interest...

#34 Post by das »


Yahoo! Many thanks! Kudos!

I'd almost forgotten about this, but glad you ran with it. The historical, as well as technical importance of those photos cannot be over-stressed, and I'm sure more detailed, accurate captions, will make this resource of far more practical use than before.
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Re: Of interest...

#35 Post by rileycraig »


Thanks for taking the time to add the Texas FSA photo essay to the HCC webpage. I, for one, thoroughly enjoy it.

Good Bootmaking,

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Re: Of interest...

#36 Post by dw »

Al, Riley,

Thanks. It really was a big job...just searching out and downloading the dern things--not all of them were in the same place on the Library of Congress page.

BTW, for all...some internet browsers display the captioning text smaller than I originally designed. Mozilla does this, especially at larger screen resolutions and I would expect Netscape does it, as well. Explorer seems fine. But, it can be hard to read. Fortunately all major browsers provide a way to increase the font (text) size of pages that are being viewed. With Mozilla/Netscape just hit ctrl (plus) + as many times as necessary. With Explorer you have to go to the menubar...View...and Text size.... I fooled with the idea of increasing the text size in the actual design of the page but, in the end, decided doing so would distort the overall appearance of the page.

I am correcting some sequences and some spelling errors even as we speak. Expect to see that happen in about an hour or two. If anyone notices similar problems, let me know and I'll correct them too...maybe. Image

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Re: Of interest...

#37 Post by das »


A monumental effort ol' man, but do check those typos Image

What next? A virtual on-line HCC museum?
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Re: Of interest...

#38 Post by dw »


That's a real possiblity....if I had the photos. Where are they to be found...or who will take the pictures?

As for typos...done! ...I think...

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Re: Of interest...

#39 Post by jake »


Let me also "ditto" the above remarks! Mucho Gracious and a DEEP tip of the hat!

Few people understand, or appreciate, what D.W. does for "us" masses. I'm fortunate enough to realize the amount of work and devotion that goes into a project such as this. I know we all contribute, but as it's been said before, D.W. started and nutured this baby to life. And it permits us to meet and share our ideas. We owe him much! How many times can you say "Thank You" until its meaning becomes silent. Once again, I approach you with hat in hand and come up short with the words to describe my appreciate and respect. D.W......Thank You!
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Re: Of interest...

#40 Post by dw »


As Jack Benny used to say: "Now cut that out!" You'll get me to blubbering and then I'll get my keyboard wet and won't be able to do any of it.

In truth, I do it bits and pieces at a time and I do it for very selfish reasons...I enjoy the forum as much as anyone...maybe more judging by the number of posts bearing my name (ahem)...but mainly, doing all this has led me to resources and software techniques that aid me in other things I do.

For instance...

I've discovered that I can scan copies of some of my collar and stitch and inlay patterns into CorelDraw and then scale them to fit any size top. What's more I can correct any odd curves and guarantee symmetry--if that's what I'm aiming at.

I have had people send me photos (the Sprengle patterns that I mentioned in our last conversation) that I can use in my books (with a little adjustment) and with that same piece of software I can clean up old and dark photos, etc..

And the resources on the Internet for supplies, ideas, or backgrounding for my writing has been something that, not being an academic, is nearly invaluable.

Plus, after all of that, I get to play with the computer.

Doing the Forum has, more often than not, led me to some of these techniques and *increased* my creative capabilities. So don't think that I am just being ingenuous when I say I do this for very selfish reasons (along with some maybe not so selfish reasons as well). Bottom line is...a person should always enjoy the work he is doing. If he does, it doesn't seem like such a big deal.

Tight Stitches

Re: Of interest...

#41 Post by tmattimore »

Ditto's We should change the old saying to the "labor's of D.W." An epic task well done.
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Re: Of interest...

#42 Post by das »


I was only half-serious. Doing the *good* digital photos would take years, and have to be coordinated between those HCC members and others with the coolest tool, shoe, boot, machinery, and what-not collections around the world. Just imagine if every antique or vintage hammer *every* Forumite owns were to be digitally photo'd from several angles. We'd probably have a few hundred[?] images of hammers. Each would need to be measured, described in detail, and catalogued. Multiply this by *every* tool and widget for the virtual museum, and you begin to see the problem.

One thing's for sure, if it were done, it'd be the biggest and best shoe-tool "collection" resource ever. Let's see...we'd need a photographer, a "curator" to develop and keep track of the cataloguing, and maybe a "clerical" assistant to do the entry. This "hit team" would have to fly all over the world, schmooze all sorts of folks to gain access to their private collections, and then there's the funding *sigh*.

I dream big Image

Re: Of interest...

#43 Post by fletch »


Great job, thanks for the effort.

You may want to add some of the bio on the bootmaker that was added by pablo on 01-31-03 in
Open Forum: Sources: Books, Manuals, Publications

I recently purchased a vintage pair made by the bootmaker to add to my collection.
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Re: Of interest...

#44 Post by dw »


Thanks for a good idea....somehow I had missed that post.

Pablo, with your permission...give me your last name and I'll include a credit for the detective work. Image

Tight Stitches
Frank Jones of Lancashire,

Re: Of interest...

#45 Post by Frank Jones of Lancashire, »


I would like to add my comments to those already made here.

I know I am only a SHOEmaker (wink) but the photos in the HCC site are a real resource, basically because of the detail and the sequence shown. Anybody who has tried to describe handmaking in words on the Colloquy, knows how valuable good pictures are.

Enough about the pictures. We are so lucky to have them available to HCC members and anybody else who cares to check them out, thanks to our hard working webmaster. I know from personal experience how much work is involved in looking after a simple web site. The hours poured into keeping the Colloquy running, not to mention “clean and tidy” are enormous.

DW - I want to add a BIG personal thank you from across the pond to those already here. We are so lucky to have your long-term commitment to the HCC and its principles.

One small point for those of you reading this who are not members. Why don’t you join? It only costs $20 per year, an investment I regard as amazingly good value. Come on, find that check book and get writing. Details are on www.thehcc.org - then click “becoming a member”.

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Re: Of interest...

#46 Post by dw »


Thanks for the kind words. I have four sites that I keep tabs on--two of my own and two for the Guild--although I don't have to do much to maintain my sites, anymore. That said, I'm not overworked by any means...or at least the Guild stuff isn't taxing me especially. I am also the membership coordinator for the Guild. Which means I collect the dues. But some folks are slow in paying...(ahem, cough cough) Image Image nudge, nudge...which is, of course a little less work for me but threatens my trip to Tahiti.Image

Tight Stitches
Frank Jones of Lancashire,

Re: Of interest...

#47 Post by Frank Jones of Lancashire, »


I understand that “the Guild stuff isn't taxing (you) especially” but not everybody would get up before 5 a.m. each day and spend an hour or two at the computer keeping the works nicely oiled.

Thanks for the very polite “...(ahem, cough cough) [ wink ] [ wink ] nudge, nudge...”

How embarrassing - well just a little. A $20 check for my 2003 HCC subs is in the mail - honest!!

That won’t go very far when you get to Tahiti.

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Re: Of interest...

#48 Post by dw »


True, but I've always been a morning person. I'm rested, the day is new, the air is fresh, not much traffic...and if you take the time, you can sometimes hear the "dawn chorus."

Anyway, thanks for having already stuck the check in the mail. I hate to be an ogre and chide people online. Not my job, you know...

I've been collecting dues for...what is it, four years now?...if I can't get to Tahiti this year, I'll just have to order a large pepperoni pizza by way of solace. Image

Tight Stitches

Re: Of interest...

#49 Post by tmattimore »

I was informed this a.m. that as of 31 August Howes leather will be closing its doors. They have 15 days of production left. As most know they are one of only two sole tanners left in the U.S. This portends higher prices and for a while the possibility of short supplies to say nothing of the dark days for some 80 people of skill to be laid off.
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Re: Of interest...

#50 Post by das »

It's not all bad news:

USA: Shoe Workers Pick Up Massive Christmas Bonuses

16 Dec 2003

Source: just-style.com

Christmas bonuses totalling nearly $20,000 have been paid out to 200 workers at a Pittsfield, Maine shoe plant.

SAS Shoemakers has awarded its employees payouts of $1,000 for every year worked at the company – making up to $19,000 for those who joined the firm when it was set up in 1984.

A letter included with each cheque said the gifts were a longtime dream of the company and were in appreciation to employees for standing by the company during hard times.

SAS Pittsfield is a division of SAS Shoemakers in San Antonio.
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