HCC meeting in Oct.

Do you know of a boot or shoe related event that might be of interest? Hear Ye, Hear Ye...
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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#176 Post by dw »

I didn't get any photos of the dinner on Saturday night...I was too busy having a good time ...but I'm sure others did. Afterwards the PWB (Peat Water Brotherhood) initiated Lisa and a few others into the joys and Mysteries of single malt whiskey. No photo of Lisa (sorry) but I'm told she was heard to say that it tasted just like Kool-Aid and would, in the future, be her drink of choice ...for guests who had overstayed their welcome. But I did catch Dale a Zoe Rios passing the quaiche.

Of course the regimental corporal [Glasgow Highlanders, Highland Light Infantry (WWII)] his ownself nivver was ain to pass up a wee dram...Al Saguto in civvies.

My lovely and better half caught Al and myself contemplating Lisa's reaction to the sudden appearance hair at her neck and wrists and particularly of the sad state of the Trade..."Gin ye shun the soutar, ye'll wear the glaur."

Terry Buress brought a lovely selection of various other, "light," single malts and that prompted a spontaneous tasting session that included some very nice Glenfiddich which Nasser Vies brought. The PWB still extols Lagavullin and Laphroig 15 as the "official" libations of the Brotherhood. The PWB also recognizes Bruce Graham in the background resplendent in breachan faille.

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#177 Post by dw »

Finally a few photos from Sunday.

This is the best photo I got of Nasser--never saw him without an impish smile on his face all weekend long. Here he demonstrated the making of a waxed end.

Here Dick Anderson critiques an awl he has just demonstrated how to sharpen.

Sunday night's dinner..Al Saguto and Jim Kladder...Jim is all too seldom given credit for his service to the Guild probably because his main interest is Harness making (an Allied Trade) but he is a moderator on this forum and has often been able to explain difficult technical concepts (computer tech) to those who may sometimes feel as if they were stranded on the other side of the stones.

And the same setting but catching a better shot of Qiana (on the right) who was one of the avid youngsters who came to the meeting from Okmulgee (?)

That's it. I dearly wish I had gotten more usable photos but anyone who wishes a copy of any one or more of these at 2848x2136 (or less--that's 39.5 x 29.5 inches at 72dpi) has only to email me.

Again, we had a great time. I was reluctant to leave and not just at the prospect of another couple of 18 hour days in a mid sized sedan. I personally want to thank everyone who came. I enjoyed my time with each and everyone of you. I must say it renewed my faith--I used to have a favourite saying to the effect that I'd never met a boot/shoemaker that I didn't like. Somehow I had fallen away from that over the years but after this weekend I can't for the life of me imagine how I had come to that pass. I feel like I've been plugged into the charger for 72 hours.

And one aside, in passing...at the last moment (entirely my fault) Lisa made our attendance possible by locating a motel that would accommodate Rosie. I missed being in the same motel with all of you but at least I was there. And the motel was clean and spacious and cheap. Along with $2.09 gas I think the trip was a bargain. Thank you Lisa.

Jake....remember the movie!

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#178 Post by sorrell »

Oh ha, ha. I'm certainly acquainted with the mystery of single malt whiskey now. The mystery is how anyone can drink the stuff. There was a lovely gasoline aftertaste that stayed with me for hours and the memory still brings a shudder. I guess I'll never be allowed to join the hallowed ranks of the Peat Water Brotherhood!

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#179 Post by dearbone »

Here are some pictures i took with my point & shoot.

Fred was my room mate, I didn't care what he might looks like, but i was worried if he snores, that would have kept me awake all night.

Fred asking his wife (telepathically)if she likes this lamp!

Jake, DW taking pictures of historical buildings.

Thanks for the entertainment and the ride Bruce.

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#180 Post by dw »


Oh, aye, a trank dart would have done it. That or maybe a good stiff dose of cough medicine. I must have took 10 shots of Frank and not one was even close to this one. I also got photos of Rick and Bruce but they looked so good in the viewfinder I didn't take but one or two. Turns out they aren't very clear either. I'm hoping someone else got good shots.


Good photos. Good pic of Lisa and Dale all gussied up. I saw that as well and had it framed in my mind but got distracted. And a terrific shot of Bruce singing.

I want to particularly commend Bruce for sitting in with the band. I wish I could sing...period...much less sing like Bruce. Good on you mate.

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa,

Where do you think us old coots get all the energy? Rocket fuel, that's where--Uisquebaugh--the "water of life." Keep drinking those Margarita's and SodaPop mixers and Jake will get rich. That sweet stuff will rot your teeth, strip the B vitamins from your brain, and give you bad hangovers....Image

Image "Good whiskey never lets you lose your place." Image

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#181 Post by marc »

Bottle o' the Best
(Jack Foley; tune trad.)

When your time o' work is done, and ye've earned yersel' some fun
In the pub ye start tae sup, ye're drinkin', clinkin' every cup
And the pint pots ye're preusin', and ye're boozin' till ye're
And ye're losin' a' yer senses tae the drink.
But when a' these folks sae prim are swiggin' swill up tae the
Nips o' gin and numbered Pimms wi' sugar rubbed aroon the rim
Let them drink until they drop, for the sly, besotted Scot
He'll be breakin' oot a bottle o' the best.

Aye, tae hell wi' a' the rest, give me a bottle o' the best
The amber bead I'll down wi' speed; it's no bad taste or waste,
just greed
And a whisky still I'll kill, I'll drink my fill and if I spill a
You know I will, I'll lick it off the floor.
I'll not touch Teachers, Grants nor Haig, gie me Bowmore or
Glenfarclas in a glass, well ye can throw the top away
For there's no use tae pretend that ye'll need the top again
When ye've broken oot a bottle o' the best.

And the English like their ale warm and flat, straight oot the
the pail
They aye slitter wi' their bitter; it would slaughter Jack the
And they sip their cider rough, they huff and puff and sniff and
And as if that's no' enough, they start tae sing.
When Jones' Ale Was new, or John Barleycorn's fine brew
Fathom the Bowl, the Barley Mow, Bring us a Barrel, just a few
But their songs are far surpassed by the tinkle in the glass
When you've broken oot a bottle of the best.

And the Irish, wi' their Pride o' Erin, think they can deride
Oor golden watter wi' their patter when they're oot upon the
Sixteen hundred pints o' stout, a drinkin' bout wi' oot a doubt
And if they've no' got the gout they start tae dance.
Father O'Flynn and Larry O'Gaff, Biddy the Bowlwife, for a
The Young May Moon, the Garry Owen, the Blackbird drives them
But their jigs have no appeal tae a Scot who likes tae reel
When he's broken oot a bottle o' the best.

Aye, a bottle o' the best, that's what it is, nae idle jest
Nae Mickey Finn, nae rotgut gin, nae bathtub wine that tastes
like Vim
Have no fear, it's not like beer; malt whisky's strong and bright
and clear
And it's also bloody dear, but what the hell.
And it belts ye in the belly like a heavyweight Lochgelly
A glow begins tae grow six in a row turns ye tae jelly
Then ye dream, perchance tae sleep, but ye fall down in a heap
For ye've broken out a bottle of the best.

And yes, I can sing it for you, but it's just better that I not.

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#182 Post by dearbone »

I was gonna take the picture of the man and the horse, but Jim (i hope that's the correct name) walked in the frame, which made it better in terms of perspective.
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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#183 Post by dearbone »

BTW, thanks to the brave gentlemen who stayed late Saturday night to kill that bottle of malt whiskey with me, i couldn't take it back with me to Canada and pouring it in the sink was out of the question.
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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#184 Post by romango »

I'll add a few pictures to the mix...





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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#185 Post by romango »

How many awls was that, DW?
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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#186 Post by sorrell »

Great pictures! Thanks for posting them.

Love the little old man icon. He reminds me of someone... But I can't argue with anyone who quotes "Cherokee Fiddle."

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#187 Post by homeboy »

Bill Shannor
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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#188 Post by homeboy »

Jim Kladder & Ray Harshman

Lisa, Dale, & Gary Cunningham

Lisa's Magic

Sorrell Custom Boots
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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#189 Post by dw »


Neat song. Wish I could find an mpeg of it.


Great photos. Love that one of Dale and Lisa dancing.


We really and truly were hoping you'd find you liked it, we weren't trying to shock your taste buds, you know. But it is an acquired taste, I guess...or maybe you have to have it in your blood...I don't know. I've never liked bourbon or even Irish whiskey. But Single malt just struck a chord with me. Of course, I like the smell of Rendenbach and Baker soling, and Balkan Sobrannie, and mushrooms,and hot compost and Yatagan men's cologne...so maybe I'm just weird.

On the other hand, someone once said to me, (rolling their "r's," )
it's a manly drink, laddie, it's no for the wee lassies, ye ken

PS...I was serious about the B vitamins. That's why the Germans have the Reinheitsgebot--the German purity laws. Residual sugar mixed with alcohol will strip B vitamins out of your body tissues (including and most importantly, the brain) almost immediately...one of the reasons that Bud will give you an intense hangover and good pilsner will not. (Unless you go crazy bananas Image) Also why, even without the alcohol, kids get manic when they eat too much candy.

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#190 Post by marc »




Note - it's a folk song, so he sings it a little different each time.

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#191 Post by homeboy »


I'm working on the video. Like you always say, "I'm busier than a gopher in loose dirt!".

Pam and I had the pleasure of having none other than....Dale Sorrell visit our establishment today. It was good to see him. Oh, by the way Lisa, he was working but had time to get in some fishing!
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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#192 Post by dw »


Not that movie...I was talking about the whale movie. Image

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#193 Post by hidesmith »

The infamous Holmstrom Gang finally behind bars!

Doin' hard time - the punishment for setting off alarms in museums!

Here's Paige in the monkey cage!
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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#194 Post by mac »

It looks like everyone had a great time at Guthrie. It is so nice to see pictures of all the names I see every morning while drinking my coffee and trying to learn more about the trade. I would have loved to see Lisa's work up close! I most regret that I missed sampling the single malts:P I assume a kilt must be worn to join the club? I do have the proper heritage.
I really wanted to attend the AGM but felt my money was better spent this year purchasing equipment. I am now the proud owner of a Singer 136w105 from Landis Letendre and lots of hand tools off of ebay.

So... any hints on where the AGM will be next year?

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#195 Post by dw »

How many awls was that, DW?


Two too many but one...hopefully well adjusted (or at least better adjusted) machine...fewer than the look on Jake’s face would warrant.

Lisa’s too. I could see the look of concern when the crack of that second hook breaking echoed around the room. Bless her heart she just said “OK, the hooks are in the second drawer.” Had I been in her shoes I might have been flinging bodies away from my stitcher right and left.

In the end though, only Lisa can tell whether we did any good. I fervently hope we (I) did no harm.

Some people are just naturally good with horses. To a small degree,(a very, very small degree) I consider myself one of those fabled American backyard mechanics. I understand machines pretty well if only because they yield to logic and rationality. But having said that, every machine has its own personality and every one of them needs almost as much caressing as a human being.

But it is dern hard to caress a machine sufficiently if all you get is 15 minutes.

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#196 Post by dw »


You were missed.

Today I was thinking about all the folks who didn't come...Image

Lisa's boots are indeed something to behold. I've said it a number of times but it bears repeating...I think she sets the bar. And it's a dern high one. I have taken to making excuses...like "oh, I prefer to do more subtle work"...rather than admit that I'm not near as artistic as she is.

A kilt does not need to be worn to sip the "water of life" but it is always welcome...and perhaps prepares the mind and the senses for the Mysterie.

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#197 Post by dw »

I know a bunch of other people took photos...y'all aren't gonna keep 'em to yourselves are ya?

Georgene took photos of Dale and Lisa dancing--I was looking forward to seeing more of those photos. And I saw cameras everywhere.

Everyone brings a little different eye and a little different angle to their photos...

Don't be bashful...share and share alike! Image

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#198 Post by marc »

To be honest, I know there are a bunch of pictures I just deleted since they didn't come out well - for example:


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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#199 Post by double »

Here are the pictures that I took last weekend.

Rick really listening to DW

Marc, Paul, and Larry at dinner Sat Night

Trying to take a picture with out people noticing but failing miserably. Just got caught by Lisa, Dale, and Randee

Lisa and Dale Dancing

The "Singing Yankee"

Al, Mirm, and Larry watching Bruce singing... and if I remember I think they were singing along.

Qiana talking to Dick

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Re: HCC meeting in Oct.

#200 Post by dw »


Great photos! The one's of Lisa and Dale, Bruce and Qiana are particularly good. The colours are true and they are well lit even in somewhat difficult circumstances.

Thanks for posting them.

Tight Stitches
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