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Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:38 am
by Tex Robin

Yes, the last I got was from Kelly but for me I like the thin. I haven't sold any elephant since the prices have gone up, just ostrich and alligator. I will try some of Greg's though on next order. Does he sell pre-cuts?....TR

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:45 am
by Tex Robin

I doubt the same thing will happen with elephant because it is regulated. What happened with sea turtle is they just got greedy and nearly wiped out the population.....TR

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:29 pm
by sarah
Speaking of alligator, I found a source for $6 a centimeter (usually $10-11). I have 2 skins and they look good to me, no holes. Eddie Edson is the man's name. His family had an alligator farm which closed. He is selling the existing skins. His home phone is 713-528-7794. (Houston)

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:09 pm
by Anonymous
Oops this should go in Rants

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:17 pm
by Tex Robin

You can put it in the trash can as far as I am concerned.....TR

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:28 pm
by Anonymous
Yea, lets burn the books like Hitler without having read them!

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:43 pm
by Tex Robin

If anything is Hitler like it is your slanted editorials. And if you will take your mask off and tell us who you are and take your complaints to rants, it might get discussed. But I doubt that you will find anyone there who is wanting to join your slanted negative campaign against our president....TR

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:40 pm
by rosynay

Anyone who follows the world news every
day couldn't possibly agree with the literature on your post. I hope you don't believe it either. RL

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:28 pm
by Anonymous
And you don't think your getting slanted news from Dan Rather, Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw? Look again at the web-site listing its news sources from both inside the U.S. and the International press.

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:46 pm
by Tex Robin

I don't listen to Dan Rather, Peter Jennings or Tom Brokjaw. I only listen to Fox and on the internet And they are not negative or slanted news services. And this is the last post I will be making to someone without a name....TR

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:22 pm
by tmattimore
I have refrained from commenting on this subject because I am too personally involved. In the 60"s I was a union laborer in N.Y.C. I helped pour the foundations for tower # 2. When back from the service I worked on other buildings and watched the towers go up not liking N.Y. I left and made a life else where. When the towers came down they took with them a cousin. Twelve hours after they fell my twin brothers police dept in Nassau county N.Y. sent 400 men to help relive the men at the site. They were handed 5 gal plastic buckets and told to look for fingers. There were none. My nephew arrived after his shift in Long Island as a policeman and spent two days working on 14th st directing traffic and idiot newsmen away from the heavy equipment and rescue vehicles.
If you don't like war then stand behind me because I have seen it and most people have no idea how miserable it really is. But if you just hate george bush then shut up because you are a hypocrite. We did not ask for this war but if you don't recognize it for what it is then you are blinded by hate.
My entire life I have heard the liberals and the press and the U.N. say that the only way to bring peace to the middle east is for the U.S. to get more involved. Well you get what what you ask for. We are involved now and we are going to bring peace to the middle east. It may not be john lennon and yoko onos kind of peace but when we get done it will be finished. All we need is for the meek and cowardly to stand out of the way. The U.N. is finished. France, Germany and Saudi Arabia are scared to death we will get saddams intelligence files. If you have no name then then you do not have the courage of your convictions. The web site you posted is not news it is claptrap
Tom Mattimore

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:30 pm
by rosynay

I look at MSNBC and if I looked at CBS
or NBC I would have more faith in their news than what I saw on the web site you referred us to. I think Tom Brokaw
is a thoroughly honorable man with
good Mid-Western values and I do not
distrust anything he would say. Dan
Rather was my back yard neighbor many
years ago, therefore, I know a little about him and enough to know he is
trustworthy in his news. I also look
at the Imus program every morning and
as far as I am concerned that is the one place you can get the "skinny" on most anything going on anywhere if you
follow the program long enough. RL

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:44 pm
by admin
This conversation belongs over in "Rants..." Please take it there. I can not, will not, move what is already here because no Anonymous postings are allowed in "Rants..." But any further discussion on this subject will be deleted or moved to "Rants..." without the anonymous posting. Depends on whether I am hungry or not.Image

Yr. Hmb. Svt.

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:58 pm
by admin
I have asked you (and everyone) to observe the protocols of this forum and take controversial, non-bootmaking related post to "Rants..." I realize that you don't really want to be associated with your remarks...and I can understand that. But them's the rules.You've chosen to ignore my request and I have accordingly deleted your post. I will assume that you made your post before you saw mine. But if you persist, I will formally ask you to cease posting to this forum for at least 30 days. And ban you permanently, if you ignore that request. Please observe the conventions we have established here.

Thank you...


Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:17 am
by Lisa Sorrell
I'm going to be making a boot using ostrich leg for part of the vamp. I've never worked with ostrich leg. Is it hard to crimp?

By the way, my full wellingtons are going well. They're on the last and inseamed. I'm fortunate to have another bootmaker here in town. He has a break, so I cheated and went over and had him put the fronts in the break for me. That made crimping them much easier.


Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:30 am
by Tex Robin

I have made a half dozen or so ostrich leg boots and had no trouble with any of them. I would suggest you use a very light backing though, attached with all-purpose. And since the heavy scales are down the middle I would borrow the crimp break again.....TR

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:44 am
by jake

Crimp break!! That's CHEATING!! (grinning)

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:51 am
by Lisa Sorrell
Thanks for the info!

Well, it only felt like cheating 'cause I had to use someone else's. I want my own someday!


Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:20 am
by paul

Here's one of those situations where it applies. (You know, the one that says, 'the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask')

What's a break look like? I get it that it's an aid in crimping, especially difficult leathers (heck, as new at this as I am, they're all difficult to crimp, but it's getting easier).

I could wait and pretend I know, until one day someone shows one to me and I act like I knew it all along, but hey, I haven't embarrassed myself in a while.

So, could someone tell me more about a break and show a picture?


Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:33 pm
by gcunning
This is the picture of the sea turtle:

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:39 pm
by gcunning
One more note.
Please understand this was in NO way offered for sale. There have been no administrative directives. I just wanted to make this clear due to e-mails of individuals.
These leather pieces were in a box of leather when I purchased an entire shop. Please no private e-mails about trading, purchasing or any other sort of business involving the leathers.
This was just to show what they looked like.

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:06 pm
by Beverly McCord
Thank you, Gary, for the sea turtle hide pictures. Those photos pretty much confirm what the boot seller told my husband - that his boots are indeed trimmed in sea turtle. From how Tex described the leather to us, we thought that was indeed the case. Those pictures just help confirm it for us. Thanks again, and I sure hope my husband's boots don't look anything like the ones stolen from Rosemary's husband! That would be terrible, as Marc is very fond of this pair. As fond of them as of any pair he has - that is - until he finally gets the ones he ordered from Tex way back last time we were in Coleman! ;-)

(Was that hint too obvious, Tex? How about this one...Marc's birthday is May 5th. Every year, that is, I'm not really rushing you! ;-)

And Gary, I shouldn't worry about that hide being illegal. Most proscriptions are against import, not posession or use. It would be a shame to let that hide go to waste. You should at least be planning a superb pair for yourself out it, I'd love to see it!

Thanks again,

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:04 am
by gcunning
I understand. I just needed to make the point to others.

Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:12 pm
by Michael Anthony

Nice sea turtle. About the legality of the leather? As you know, i import a lot of the leather that i use direct from the tanneries. When i import exotic or protected or endangered species, i must utilize my United States Fish and Wildlife permit. Every skin that comes in must be accompanied by a CITES (convention for international trade in endangered species) documentation. This documentation follows the skin from it's origin. All tags on the skins must match the paperwork and will be inspected upon arrival into the US by a Fish and Wildlife inspector. Once approved, the endorsed documentation will need to travel with the completed boots if they travel out of the USA. Everybody has heard of a story where someone had their boots or shoes confiscated in Customs. When i ship a pair of exotic boots overseas, i must first apply for a re-export permit to avoid any problems.

In regard to your sea turtle. I spoke with the United States Fish and Wildlife inspector that approved one of my recent shipments. He said that it is illegal for resale, however, you can make boots for yourself and wear them safely. He also stated that his knowledge applies the Federal law to California and that he was not sure how it might govern Texas. His suggestion was for you to contact a Federal Fish and Wildlife inspector in Texas to see if can get your skins signed off on?

Anyway, i hope that this is of some help to you. If you want me to help you to research this issue more, ring me up at the shop.

Typing as slow as a turtle....


Re: Boot Leathers

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:21 pm
by gcunning
GLAD to hear from ya.
Thanks for the info. I did not know that. I will check it out.
I assume you are going to stop in and let Jake cook you a burger this year?